I recently started getting this message and cannot seem to fix it. I have uninstalled the game and re-installed it as well as deleted Aurora and re-installed it. It happened prior to an update. One day was working next day started seeing this error. Any help would be grateful. Also, game is installed on drive D.
07:24:00: Generation Zero, v.2264534 (WINDOWSSTORE/XBOXGAMEPASS), Last modified: 05/30/2022 10:45:58
07:24:08: Successfully attached to GenerationZero_F
07:24:08: ATTENTION: You're running a STEAM game but the trainer was for WINDOWSSTORE/XBOXGAMEPASS, the trainer or a cheat may fail to activate
07:24:09: Collect Stats, Script error in line 3: Cannot find aob for 'Collect_Stats'
You are using the gamepass trainer, do you have the game on the gamepass/winstore?
if you have it on Steam, try using the Steam trainer.
Base Building Resources…
It’s become time consuming to have to search for wood and other materials for base building. Base building will become a huge feature in this game going forward… with that said….
Does anyone know how to use the cheat happens hacking tool to isolate the value of resources like “wood” or “xyz” resource(s)?
I’ve asked the feature added to the game and dvs said they wouldn’t do it.
If you use option 2 of the trainer (ammo and items) you can duplicate resources as well as pretty much anything that is stackable as long as you have 2 or more of it.
Take all the resources out of storage and turn on the option. Then store them again ALL BUT ONE. So if you have 30 wood. Store 29 of it. you will notice that 29 will be in storage but the full 30 is still in your inventory.
Repeat till you have as much as you want.
@H1rrakon, this how-to response gets a huge big thumbs up from me, thanks! =D
Hi Guys, I have no Lifetime PLUS membership, only Lifetime, so I know can't request anything. But just out curiosity, if someone who could would request the following option "Always noon", would that be possible to implement in the Generation Zero Trainer?
That would probably break many time based parts of the game and you would most likely not get respawns of roaming mobs.
Hi Guys, I have no Lifetime PLUS membership, only Lifetime, so I know can't request anything. But just out curiosity, if someone who could would request the following option "Always noon", would that be possible to implement in the Generation Zero Trainer?
Asking other PLUS members to request an option for you is a good way to get your account banned, even if you try and sneak it in like you did. Want to make a request? PLUS is $4.95/month.