How can i delete a save ? If i do so i can play again online on Forza 7?
Go to My games and apps
Highlight Forza Horizon 4
Hit the menu or start button
Go to manage game
Go down to the save for his profile name and hit A
you will see two options to delete off console or delete everywhere, select delete everywhere it deletes from console and the cloud storage.
If i do so i can play again online on Forza 7? Not if you have been banned already.
You don't need a new ssd, just need to reinstall windows. I was banned and I just reinstalled windows, I also made a new microsoft account and signed into it via xbox console companion and launched forza...vola I am able to play online with people!!! But I think i messed up this new profile too...I tried to change money to buy the 15 mill castle and it got stuck on 999,999,999...haven't got the ban hammer yet but I know it will come dang! lol
When you re-installed windows, is that with a new key?
Also can someone advise, with this ban will I be able to play other multiplayer games on my microsoft account or will they be banned as well?
To avoid this, do I need to make a new microsoft account or a new xbox live account?
I'd like to keep this Microsoft account as it has my main email address I've been using my whole life.
Appreciate any help
Also in order to get access to online features again, you need a new HDD, new fresh windows install.
Once you get your new hdd set up, your account set up and play, DONT log into your banned account at all. If you do, even though you did not cheat on new account you will get banned again. So if you can get a new HDD, new account, just use that, and never swap to old banned account ever again.
Does that mean i cant sign into the xbox app even if i don't play or open forza at all whilst signed in ? i want to play SoT on my banned gamertag.
So my main gamertag got banned and i've reinstalled windows with a new product key, and created a new gamertag. i am currently unbanned and can play online with the new tag fine. but my main gamertag has lots of other games and a long time on game pass left. Can i add the other gamer tag and never open FH4 whilst signed in as my old tag and keep the other clean gamertag safe ?
Just curious, what did you get banned for? The "typical" Credit cheating? 🤔