Our No Man´s Sky Trainer is now available for version Expedition Sixteen and supports STEAM, GOG, WINDOWS STORE.
Our No Man´s Sky message board is available to provide feedback on our trainers or cheats.
Jaks posted on Oct 29, 2018 8:04:28 PM - Report post
There was some new updates adding some major new underwater gameplay and environmental features to 1.65 called The Abyss. Some of the things not working include the Unlimited Jetpack and Max Resources. A friend said there are others as well.
I'm also getting some random crashes now that I never had before. I don't yet know if it's just the game crashing or if it's possibly using the trainer with the new Abyss update. Curious if anyone else has started getting these. It only seems to happen at bases where I probably pushed past the total of 20K pieces. Not sure about this tho.
There are a more reports filed now.
EDIT: I went and deleted some sections not needed from a base and I haven't crashed again since. That doesn't make it so but it should be part of the conversation.
[Edited by moderator Taurusplopp, 10/31/2018 7:50:26 AM]
Keep your Fighting clean and your Sex dirty.
Jaks posted on Oct 31, 2018 6:08:13 AM - Report post
Looking forward to this! (rubs hands together)
Thanks fellas.
By the way, if you use the Numpad * Max Resources option, it gives all items extremely large quantities. You can normalize them by just pressing the option again.