Since debug mode disables achievements we need an actual trainer.
Imagine all of the work we would have to do on this 3 year old game to make what is already built into the game as cheats, just because people don't want to use this simple tool
to give themselves achievements, which to me is no different than cheating the game to begin with.
There just isn't enough FREE TIME IN THE DAY to go back to these very old games for the sake of achievements?
Use the steam achievements manager and give yourself all the achieves you want.
Also use the built in debug to cheat the game all you want.
I like that people are going into Tier 7, but understand that we cannot always do anything and whatever people ask, and sometimes we get hopelessly behind on things that are newer, more popular, and 100 times more members using bogging down on projects like this that honestly already have cheats and methods to get achievements.