My trainer dosen´t work. Healing Unit and Set Gold functions but by some other things the game crahes. Can someone help me. I follwed every insructions. I only want to set the rations to a maxium but this also dosent work.
The trainer is already in our trainer queue for a review - please be patient.
This game is patched and updated almost every hour.
Just wanted to say thanks for keeping up on this trainer.
Once again you guys are proving why a Life Time Membership is money well spent.
Oh totally, without a doubt it's the best money I've ever spent. If anyone's on the fence about upgrading it's definitely worth it.
That being said I think I'm going to come back to this title in a few months when the dev team has the bugs under control. Thank you very much, Cheat Happens staff!
For those that have used the time stopping component of the trainer: any advice on how to use it without breaking the game? Do I have to be nervous about missed events? Any way to resolve kingdom events/problems without letting the timer run?
Its really amazing more to stop time while adventuring and also to stop time before you select kingdom rank ups/region claims etc so it doesn't speed forwards by 2 weeks. You will need to move time forwards normally to do events etc (but even those you can adjust in your save game file to run for a day if you want). I'm on run through three and its my most used option by far. 😀