Thank you for the trainer! I somehow ended up with negative skill points after I reduced my level from 20 down to 1 again ( I never intended to level up like this). So now that I have gotten XP, I cannot change my skills. Does anyone have an idea how to fix skills points or will this possible by included in later versions?
The skill points total IS your level.. there is no workaround as the game is using your level 'x' as the current number of skill points you have, then subtracting from that value the number of skills you have active (i.e. the points you spent)
PS We literally post this in the instructions
Numpad 5: Set Level - either select a unit in the inventory screen
or during combat, then press this key to set the value to the
value shown in the trainer. This value is used to give you the
skill points in the game. Note that if you level up way beyond
your current XP level, then it will take a lot of XP to get to the
new current level.
[Edited by Caliber, 9/20/2018 8:04:27 AM]
Since updating the game and the trainer the game has been crashing often after saving the game at a save totem. (a little white window pops up with a crash message, and the game game closes down)
Also, the Set Spell Points seems to not work (as it did in the original trainer/game).
Have you tried it with a new game? Is the crash reproducible?