Has anyone get the select staff options to work? Do you need to click it or just mouse over the staff? Put it to pause first? I just can't get it to change any value, click or hover both not working, so do the editor, its not locking to any staff... maybe I did something wrong. 🤔 🤔
When you hover with the mouse pointer over a staff member, do the tool tips appear, you wait for ~2 secs and then press the hotkeys?
Something is causing the game to name doctors on the training room list Johnson Thompson, and will not let me train anyone with the code activated, it only started happening when I moved up to a new hospital.
Anyone else had this issue since the latest trainer/game update?
i experienced the same thing when i activated the *instant training option and left it on for a bit... noticed that after 2 training sessions there was nothing left on the available courses, so i ended up restarting the map since progress was blocked as a result.
on my second playthrough of the same map, this time i started a training session, activated the cheat (causing the session to complete immediately) and then i turned off the cheat promptly. This didn’t cause any problems so far and i’ve been using it the same way ever since.
Instant Research seems to put progress into the negative during a challenge. For a challenge to generate 1000 research points it now shows as -89885433/1000.
Easily reproducible - just activate "Instant Research" on the Mitton University scenario, and you'll fail ranking up as the current Research Points go waaaay into the negatives.