This is just something I made in no real time at all. It's not much and it's my first table I actually saved. CoSMOS is a pretty interesting program, prettier version of something else.
This table adds KG during the Kingdom Management phase, specifically 100 KG, with a hotkey (Numpad 2), but you can customize it to your hearts desire and use it to further your knowledge, it was just a little 50 cent experiment. I didn't want to touch coffers, just the core amount of KG. Like most games, change the variable, close the menu, come back to it, see it changed.
A baby could probably figure this out. I just wanted to see if this worked, wouldn't see why not, so anyone that feels they this might be useful to them, cool. I was also trying to figure out how to manage the citizens that come into the kingdom but that's some advanced stuff that may or may not be covered by an actual trainer, ye? - couldn't figure it out, still learning.
[Edited by Vega, 3/27/2018 4:10:44 PM]
[Edited by moderator Taurusplopp, 3/28/2018 5:43:36 AM]