Just tried to use Cosmos. First I downloaded a tutorial, but not knowing it was one, I was confused as nothing was as described. Then I downloaded the beginner program and ran it and a screen said there were already scripts developed for many games.
I've been looking, but cannot figure out where they are or how to get to them.
This is because the Battlefield 4 trainer won't work. Thought I'd try myself, Thought a previous script might be helpful.
I'll press on, but so far it all has a feeling of failure...
It's not a failure because you simply cannot figure out how to use it. It's been downloaded and used by over 100,000 people. It's compatible with 99% of CE scripts which you can find all over the internet, not here. There are not a lot of scripts here because we release trainers for 99% of all PC games released and they are not necessary.
CoSMOS Beginner Walkthrough
Step 1: Download Our Test Game [56MB]
Step 2: Direct Values
Step 3: Values Shown as Bar
Step 4: Float Values
What happened to step 5 and 6 for the beginner walkthrough?
Not needed in Beginner mode.