I been editing games since I was 9. Started on my C128D using Diskpatch, Then flash ML carrtridge then Norton Utilities with the PC's and used either memory or hex editors. Used to be so easy because the numbers were just there and easily changeable. Now a days, with file structure changes, it's a bit harder, and I have come to block, that I can't seem to figure out. Been editing Signs of Life, at least items I am carrying, but have unable to find a way to edit the HP and energy bar. I ran into this issue with some other games, but Signs of life has alluded me and it's an area I am weak in and hope someone can point me in the right direction. This isn't because of any strange protection, and I don't want someone to do the work for me, I am asking, using CoSMOS, what I might be doing wrong that I can't find these two items to edit. Normally, I have a number to go by, like 100 health, or 200 energy. Signs of life only use HP and energy bars with no exact numbers, and if I can figure out another way, I can then help more on titles that don't have trainers yet. It's funny, I was able to edit unepic without exploding, but the hp and energy bars just elude me.