Alchemage which is a new Steam Early Release that at first glance, seems to play like a Terraria or Dig or Die clone, but once you get passed the build your own home with everything you could buy in a Home Depot, right in your pocket, the similarities end. For instance, there is no wait for a multi-player version, because you can run your own server the moment your finished downloading the game, and unlike the many a similar game where you need to know port/IP/ and server knowledge, with this game, you don't need to know a thing. Everything is set up and people can connect via steam once you check off the invite option once in game.If you looked at the link and decide to buy this game, or just got it and realize it's all in Japanese, there is a config issue that's getting fixed, but in the mean time to get your game back to English, just click the gear on the right side, then in the menu, look at the right side last row and click on it. Select English, then look on the left side for a square icon with a tree in it marked MAIN. Click Main, and the changes will apply. After you boot the game the next time, you will need to just click the gear, then the MAIN icon and your settings will load in.Here is a little spoiler of creative mode commands: commands to turn on creative mode, plus other administrative features!
Spoiler: Insert key INS turns on all bright
Spoiler: Hm turns on creative mode which has a menu to produce every item, resource, magical artifact and more in game. It also allows for free movement, which is great for building and turns off monster targeting so you arent constantly fighting off monsters. You can also pass through walls and not drown.
Spoiler: PU key forwards time
Spoiler: Del key brings up monster and animal spawn menu
Spoiler: End key orders me a cheeseburger meal supersized! Ok, sorry, it doesnt. I did request it though!
*** Continued in response ***[Edited by sirXanthor, 1/27/2018 5:25:39 PM]