Wow, less than two days before we hit 2018! I really hope everyone has a Happy New Year!!
Realms of Magic is being voted on, to decide it's fate, I thought I'd do a review so others can decide not only if its trainer material, but also if it's a title they would love to add to their Steam inventory/collection.
If you would like to see and read up more on this title, click this Steam link for more information:
Link Realms of Magic is an Early Release title that kind of snuck up on us back on December 6th 2017. At first glimpse of the game on Steam, it looked to be another Terraria/Dig or Die/Spacebound knockoff. Being in Early Access, many, including myself, was more skeptical of another Edge Of Space disaster. EOS for those who don't know, is a title that was only 20% complete, and many bought into the game to find out the development team took payment , and ran off without even completing the game. Even today, the software distributer tries passing the game off as completed, and even puts in fake update dates, to try fooling the unwary, into spending money on it still! It even has an addition they claim is new content for additional $12 that is already in the game ...Actually most of it never fully patched in....
Wow, seems I'm getting off tract and already scaring potential buyers away from a new and similar title. As you can see, it's a risk, many don't want to take unless there is some kind of verification that this new title, is not going to be another abandoned clone like so many others! This is why I'm doing this review. At the end of my review, I will put in some information marked as spoiler, that will help you use Cosmos to make a small modification, so you can get plenty of supplies, without breaking a sweat! ...Ok, so computer generated characters don't sweat. But these do eat and drink. Lets be glad those are the only bodily functions they do !!!...
Realms of Magicunlike it's similar incomplete predecessors, actually has more content then you would expect with an Early Release game. I have put in over 27 hours, and barely have scratched the content.
The tutorial written for the game, was done beautifully. You can uncheck it while your creating your character if you want to bypass it, which I strongly recommend not doing if your starting new. Don't think just because you played similar games, that you don't need to view the tutorial. Bypassing the tutorial will result in your new character missing out on hard to get items, or items not available normally in game.
I myself lost count on how many times I would go to watch a tutorial, to be so board realizing the commands were the same, and just constantly pressing the spacebar to bypass the long and drawn out instructions.
Realms of Magic tutorial had a lot of real work put into it. It is FAR from boring. You get put into a test dungeon in which you need to escape, while not just learning the game mechanics, you also learn the type of puzzles and how just about everything works without having to guess at what needs to get done.
Your shown step by step on how everything works, which includes dying and dropping all your things. The battle part of the tutorial needs some work in my opinion, but other than that, its extremely enjoyable! I highly recommend doing a second tour of the dungeon, before exiting it. This is because there are sections you may have passed up the first time, that are now attainable.
Spoiler:There is a 3 book story quest that if you re-check the dungeon, if you get all 3 books, will be able to obtain a special quest you can do later on in game
Other than building shelter which you can expand on as you level up, the similarities to other sandbox games like Terraria, end there. If you ever played Ultima Online, you would feel right at home! This is because everything you do, has it's own skill for. You have magery, carpentry, cooking, fighting, smithing, and even mining skills where each time you perform one of these skills, whether you fail or not, will still gain a percentage. There are many more skills I have not mentioned, and each one goes up to 100%.
Experience comes in many forms in this game. You will see a quest window that at first shows very little content, but as you move on and complete those quests, they all branch out where you can easily get lost if your not careful. Even skills going up cause new quests to show up. A lot of work has gone into this game before it was released to the public. I myself have not run into any bugs in the game, at least bugs caused by the game itself. Only ones I have run into, were caused by me trying to cheat!
Cheating is fine with this game, as it's not multi-player. Most likely when you run this game for the first time on a windows 10 system, you will get one of those open a firewall port messages. Make sure to allow it, otherwise the game itself will have issues. It was done this way to allow for easy updating, and licensing verification, not to mention as I said above this was a single player game, though certain features were put in so later on should the development team choose to, they can more easily update the game to be multi-player where you can run your own server. The developers made it clear, that they are only working on single player game content for the time being, so no plans for a multi-player port till possibly later on. Just a reminder, should this game ever become multi-player, CH highly frowns and will not allow their trainers to be used on multi-player games, especially when it's not your own server.
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