Yeah, I got banned from that game for using Dev mode options to quick power through quests. The reason they would stifle cheating is to incentive buying treasures/etc.
Its a not-so-great game made to reap up D&D fans' cash, instead of making a better game.
This trainer only indirectly caused you and the person above you to get banned.
The reason you got your 24 hour ban is because the game itself has a hardcap of level 1099. Progressing even 1 level beyond that is what flags and auto-bans your account. Reddit has multiple posts for the level hardcap and the bannings that followed. I know this because Ive been caught doing this very thing with CoSMOS before I learned about the level hardcap.
You're (rather, should be) fine as long you don't exceed that.
I'm not a CNE dev, so I cant claim to know the minutae of their anti-cheat flagging, but I'm pretty sure they only automate a lvl 1100 check. I've been editing gold, buff timers, skill cooldowns, pretty much ANYthing with a number fairly heavily without going beyond 1100, and I'm still here