The trainer is only working in menus for me, and only for "add VC points". Regardless of if any options are enabled, if the trainer itself is enabled, you can navigate the menus and activate options, but as soon as an actual match loads, everything siezes. Redownloading the game on this and a different machine had no effect.
ok so i downloaded our trainer
ran trainer
ran game
F1 at main menu activated
seleteced PLAY
selected wrestlers
entered the match
options for PLAYER and OPPONENT worked just fine..
so I have no idea why your game isn't working with the trainer, unless your version is not the same, isn't STEAM legit, patched, up to date version
The trainer stopped working for me since yesterday. The only options that work are "Weak Opponent Health" and "Weak Opponent Stamina". However, make me weak too . Anyone else having something like this?
the game has patched 3 times in the past 24 hours..