I'm getting an error that says missing EasyAntiCheat Launcher.dlls.
Can anyone assist with a work around to this?
Thanks in advance.
Edit: Solved my own issue - human error. Thanks
[Edited by jimmyash, 12/24/2016 3:05:35 AM]
Im having this problem and cant figure it out? what was your solution? I select Watch dogs 2 where its stored and I get that Error you had.
I have been wanting to use Trainer in WD2, but am unable to start game... I have UPlay in offline mode. I click WD2 desktop shortcut, and it says to put UPlay in online mode... How can I use Trainer? Is it ok for UPlay to be in online mode when using Trainer?
Update: I added the command line paramaters to the desktop shortcut, and also the launch options for WD2 in Steam. Both methods of launching game (Desktop shortcut and Steam), UPlay message pops up saying to put UPlay in online mode. Not sure what I am doing wrong... Help greatly appreciated
[Edited by Skeet8385, 7/13/2017 10:57:35 AM]
If you want to play Watch Dogs 2 with the trainer, the easiest is to keep Uplay online and start the game from the trainer - you only need to know where "WatchDogs2.exe" is located on your PC 😉