I'm getting really tired of this, I mean I get it but I'm still getting tired with it. I bought the game I PAID for it. I'll do whatever the hell I want to it. If I wanna use a trainer then I'm gonna use a trainer in single player. They can't tell me crap. It's MY game. If they have such a problem then I'll just play in perma offline mode.
Actually ... you should read some EULA's before installing a game on your harddrive.
Since the old days any software was written and published there is mostly one business model: licences. Games are the same. You don't own a game you paid for.
You own a licence. You have paid for the right to play a game at the publisher's grace.
If they decide to pull the plug - you already agreed to it.
If they want to keep stuff outside their game - you agreed to it.
[Edited by Taurusplopp, 11/28/2016 4:45:31 AM]
just got watchdogs 2 unlocked & installed, there is an option called online preferences, switched it all off... that will do?
JESUS, man! Where do you live?! I've still got 13-14 hours!
Interesting EasyAntiCheat Folder they have in the games directory. Should be fun.
Hopefully It only effects online.
Apparently it seems to block CoSMOS Access for me. Anyone managed to find a bypass until CH unleash the kraken ?
Planet Coaster is currently beating this game in sales, that speaks higher than them saying they will ban players on its own. Go planet Coaster!
I am glad people are speaking with their money. Maybe ubisoft will learn this time.