This is the first trainer I've ever had trouble with from this site, and because of your very quick response and fix (which outshines some of the best customer service out there), I've just upgraded to a Lifetime Plus membership. Well worth every penny to support this great site and its hardworking staff.
Thank you.
That's awesome, thanks for your support!
The trainer cause the game to not allow 6 constructions at the same time. Please fix this.
Are you sure this is caused by the trainer? From my point of view this is hardcoded by the game.
//edit: I've added an option which lets you build unlimited constructions at the same time. This was not an issue of the trainer, it was a feature of the game. But it seems like you were unhappy about it.
[Edited by 0x90, 10/14/2016 12:25:17 PM]
Trainer crashes upon activation - didn't do that a few months ago when i played. Anybody having the same issue ? Message below appears:
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Total failure. Error Code 0x39
bei IndustryManagerFutureTechnologies_CH.PipeClient.Connect()
bei IndustryManagerFutureTechnologies_CH.CHMonoCollector.Mono_Connect()
bei IndustryManagerFutureTechnologies_CH.TrainerEngine.AttachToProcessByName(String pProcess, Boolean pMultiProcesses, Int32 pID, ProcessAccessFlags pAccessFlag)
bei IndustryManagerFutureTechnologies_CH.frmMain.ActivateTrainer()
bei IndustryManagerFutureTechnologies_CH.frmMain.tCheck_Tick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
bei System.Windows.Forms.Timer.OnTick(EventArgs e)
bei System.Windows.Forms.Timer.TimerNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
bei System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
Hi SecondLife.
Do you have all your exclusions set up correct in your AV?
Might possible be that it's being blocked as this seems to different error then what you would normally encounter.