trainer was working fine last night than today it wasn't so I deleted the trainer and re-downloaded it, I'm running game as admin and ive disabled my virus protection,i don't know if this means anything but when I pull up the trainer when you go to the info tab it says the trainers for planet centari trainer, yes ive made sure I'm using the bb trainer=) everything else says BB trainer on it just not the info, and it probably doesn't even matter just thought id mention it. thanks Guys, once again I really appreciate all the trainers you guys put out!!
The trainer tab reads any .txt file with the name ReadMe.txt, so if you have the text file for planet centauri next to the trainer's executable file for BB, the trainer is going to read that text file.
Also, The trainer activates fine here on my end. Please use the Update Notification System if you think that the game has been updated.
Take care