First, Thanks for this!
Also a clarification on the 99 items. When in a fight only items used for the fight are 99. Items for the Sphere Grid, like Ability spheres, become 99 when you access the sphere grid instead of fighting.
[Edited by dragonfang18, 5/13/2016 9:10:56 AM]
Hello Dragonfang18,
Good day!
Thank you for your sharing this info. I have a question about the 99 items cheat. If i activate that cheat, am i going to get all the items in game? or the 99 items cheat will only apply to the quantity of items that i currently have? I would prefer not to get all the items right away as i would like to explore and enjoy the game more. Can you please confirm? Sorry for bothering you.
You only get 99 that you have.
For those who want to change S.lvl or gils or number of items or easy win blitzball i have made a CoSMOS table :
/!\ for item editing if you block change on the chain new item will arrive with a 0 amount and immediately disappear. (you can edit the first 0 on the chain and the item seems to reappear)
For blitzball you have 4 variables to change : the score for each team and PA point, SH point :
Sometime when you edit the score you need to make a goal for it to update.
The PA point are the point needed to do a successful pass if this variable hit 0 the pass fail. You can either block it to 0 for forcing opposing team loose the ball or force it to a high number (45 works fine) to make unstoppable pass. Same goes for SH and the shoot
[Edited by kyrillin, 5/15/2016 10:12:24 AM]
I can verify that the blitzball variables do work. I will say that you need to make sure to change the PA and SH points if the other team has the ball. The variables you change it to will also count for the opposing team so swap em out as soon as they get the ball.
@Kyrillin Awesome that you got this working man, that initial blitzball game always sucks. This helps out alot