um, Is this like the other port which actually already has the built-in cheats in the game?
did anyone check this? I mean, why are we looking at making a trainer for this when there are cheats built into the game.
While its true, there are certain built in cheats like a few of the other FF ports
But they are extremely limited, and for the most part not helpful to the cheaterbase that prefer trainers.
F1 - Toggles between normal speed, 2x speed and 4x speed, doesn't affect menus or cutscenes, so no skipping of those long boring cutscenes sadly!
F2 - Supercharge characters, haven't used this myself but I imagine it'll just make everyone always hit for max damage or similar.
F3 - Increases or decreases enemy encounter rate.
F4 - Auto-battle, for all the Metal Gear fans who hate gameplay and just want to watch cutscenes all day long
F5 - Toggles the HUD off/on for taking screenshots.
In the Esc menu there's also a "Change Parameters" menu, this is where you can unlock all items, all skills and maximim gil if you want these.
Taken from the steam forum
As you can see, the only real useful cheats would be the Speed and the Encounter rate
Most people wont even use the others unless they 1: want to test each cheat 2: already beat the game or 3: just want to screw around.
If you don't want to waste time making a trainer, I suppose that's understandable.. 0x could probably take it over for you..
id rather use a trainer though, plenty more you can do with a trainer than what the built in cheats can offer. Especially when it comes to the Blitzball mini games.