LinkOptions (Trainer)
Numpad 1: Add 60 Seconds To Timer
Numpad 2: Add 50000 Money
Options (Editor)
Edit: Realistic Bankruptcy
Edit: Reputation
Edit: Reputation Level
Edit: Money
Edit: Ticks Passed
Edit: Is Shared
Edit: Tutorial Done
Edit: Is New Company
Edit: Creation Date
Edit: Last Upload Date
Edit: Owner
Edit: Received Driver Applications
Edit: Unlocked Bus Models
Edit: Unlocked Bus Colors
Edit: Unlocked Decal Colors
Edit: Unlocked Ad Textures
Edit: Unlocked Decal Textures
Edit: Unlocked Districts
Edit: Mission 02 Reward Received
Edit: All Missions Done
Edit: Last Challenge Received
Edit: Last Challenge Done
Edit: Active ChallengeI D
Edit: Prev ChallengeI D
Edit: Active Challenge Data
Edit: Total Passengers Transported
Edit: Total Distance Driven
Edit: Total Bus Stop Stops
Edit: Total Speeding Tickets
Edit: Total Accumulated Delays
Edit: Total Jumped Red Lights
Edit: Total Accidents Count
Edit: Total Accidents Costs
Edit: Total Horn Use Count
Edit: Total Coffees Consumed
- Add 60 Seconds To Timer:
While driving press hotkey to add more seconds to the timer.
- Add Money / Editor:
Open your balance / reputation screen.
To unlock more stuff just increase the value on the editor.
For example increase 'Unlocked Bus Colors' to have more colors unlocked.
The trainer requires .NET framework 4.5 or above.
The trainer does not work on Vista or older.