LinkOptions (Trainer)
Numpad 1: Infinite Health
Numpad 2: Infinite Objective Health
Numpad 3: No Reload / Unlimited Ammo
Numpad 4: Add 500 Money
Numpad 5: Instant Air Strike
Numpad 6: Add 5 Unlock Points
Options (Editor)
Edit: Money
Edit: EXP
Edit: Level
Edit: Unlock Points
- Infinite Health:
While active your character has infinite health.
- Infinite Objective Health:
While active the objective you need to protect has infinite health.
- No Reload / Unlimited Ammo:
While active you dont need to reload your weapon anymore.
- Money:
While active press hotkey or edit to change your money.
- Instant Air Strike:
While active you can instantly call an air strike.
- EXP / Level / Unlock Points:
While in LOBBY you can add or edit exp/level/unlock points.
The trainer requires .NET framework 4.5 or above.
The trainer does not work on Vista or older.