LinkOptions (Trainer)
Numpad 1: Toggle Alt-Tab Support
Numpad 2: Infinite Health
Numpad 3: Infinite Energy
Numpad 4: Easy Kill
Numpad 5: Add 5 To Selected Item
Options (Editor)
Edit: Selected Item -> Quantity
- Toggle Alt-Tab Support:
Consider how wonderful a forced restart of the game is as soon as you alt tab
CheatHappens provides you an option to prevent this behaviour. While this
option is active you can alt tab out of the game and tab in without the game
restarts itself.
- Easy Kill:
While active the enemy can be killed by a single hit.
- Add 5 To Selected Item:
Open your inventory, then mouse hover an item and press hotkey to add more to it.
The trainer requires .NET framework 4.5 or above.
The trainer does not work on Vista or older.