LinkOptions (Trainer)
Numpad 1: Add 500000 Money
Numpad 2: Infinite Building Condition
Numpad 3: Open Dev Console
Options (Editor)
Edit: Money
- Money:
Click on production choose any building and click on buy.
You can abort the production. Now press hotkey or edit your money.
You must get some money or spend some money before the value ingame
updates itself.
- Infinite Building Condition:
While active click on a building and it has perfect condition.
- Open Dev Console:
Press hotkey to open developer console. Enter help for a list of available
commands. Press hotkey again to close the console.
The trainer requires .NET framework 4.5 or above.
The trainer does not work on Vista or older.
[Edited by PWizard, 12/6/2015 6:15:22 PM][Edited by PWizard, 7/23/2018 1:40:42 PM]