originally posted by Rockmonkey54I'm currently running around with Piper and I made her a set of pink power armor. I place cores in her inventory than commanded her to get in it. I like it
Also if you do the railroad quest line Tinker tom will teach you ballistic weave which you can apply to most regular wear up to mark V. including headwear. At mark v stats are Damage 110-120 energy 110-120 protection. With headwear double that. That includes what some companions are wearing.
And I have piper because I didn't go to Diamond city till I was already 170 hrs in game as it pushes the game state to far forward to fast if you do valentine quest at least for me it did. when I talk to piper there are no commands to make her put on any armor, so can you explain exactly how you did this? I put a set of t45 in her inv and put a very good weapon there also.
[Edited by METALDIK2008, 12/9/2015 2:45:22 AM]