Some people use SAM, the Steam Achievement Manager. I haven't used it so dirtbike rules.
Not on Steam bro
Some people use SAM, the Steam Achievement Manager. I haven't used it so dirtbike rules.
Not on Steam bro
You mean for Blizzard games? Yeah, I don't know Bear, never tried it. One of the members here said they used it all the time which is when I first saw it.
That's a too bad, I dislike Blizzard so much, I've been tempted.
Save achievement hunting for Master Archives. Some of the ship boosts are very powerful so as the 1000% production boost. Also use the right units for the right situation to make thing very easy.
You would be surprised just how quickly dark templars with shadow fury, I think that's the chain jump attack, can rip a base apart if they don't run into detection.
oic so i can play even mission one with all the beefed up upgrades
thanks a good idea so i'll just finish normal or casual and then replay for achievements with all the buffs