LinkOptions (Trainer)
Numpad 1: Add 50000 Money
Numpad 2: Kill Anti-Cheat
Options (Editor)
Edit: Int
Edit: Money
Edit: Fame
Edit: Quest Active
Edit: Is Human
Edit: Blocked
Edit: Status
Edit: Status Unlocked
Edit: Negative Nights
Edit: Random 10 Order
Edit: Floor
Edit: Idle
Edit: Loan Status
Edit: Loan Type
Edit: Loan Expire Day
Edit: Loan Expire Hour
Edit: Loan Expire Minutes
Edit: Loan Money
Edit: Loan Interest
Edit: Loan Unblock Day
Edit: Reset Pos
Edit: Reset PosIA 1
Edit: Reset PosIA 2
Edit: Character Sorting Order
Edit: Hero Sorting Order
Edit: Best Audience
Edit: Best Movie
Edit: Best Quest Money
Edit: Best Ad Money
Edit: Best Produced Movie
Edit: Best Produced Rating
- Kill Anti-Cheat:
If you cheat the game will knows after some progress and punish you.
As you may get an achievement from this the option to kill the anti-cheat
is optional. Press hotkey to kill it. Use it BEFORE you cheat!
The trainer requires .NET framework 4.5 or above.
The trainer does not work on Vista or older.
[Edited by PWizard, 11/13/2015 4:25:50 PM]