LinkOptions (Trainer)
Numpad 1: Set Stamina Of Selected Unit To 999
Numpad 2: Set Health Of Selected Unit To 999
Numpad 3: Unlimited PSI
Numpad 4: Unlimited BioMass
Options (Selected Unit Editor)
Edit: Character Type
Edit: Loop Idle
Edit: Max Nutrition
Edit: Min Scale
Edit: Initial Growth Ratio
Edit: Health
Edit: Need Recovery Health Ratio
Edit: Stamina
Edit: Exhaustation Alert Ratio
Edit: Has Life Time
Edit: Life Time
Edit: Uses Exhausted Notification
Edit: Uses Wounded Notification
Edit: Uses Adult Notification
Edit: Space
Edit: Herbivorous Wander Time
Edit: Herbivorous Food Direction Time
Edit: Eat Distance
Edit: Eat Angle
Edit: Eat Normalized Position
Edit: Collect Distance
Edit: Collect Angle
Edit: Throw Range
Edit: Attack Angle
Edit: Attack Distance
Edit: Attack Damage
Edit: Attack Stamina Usage
Edit: Attack Objects Simultaneous Count
Edit: Time To Attack
Edit: Attack When Running
Edit: Can Attack When Exhausted
Edit: Is Attack Ranged
Edit: Special Delay
Edit: Sight Distance
Edit: Sight Angle
Edit: Sight Occlusion Layer Mask
Edit: Preys Memory Duration
Edit: Threats Memory Duration
Edit: Collectibles Memory Duration
Edit: Walk Cycle Distance
Edit: Run Cycle Distance
Edit: Walk Speed
Edit: Run Speed
Edit: Walk Animation Speed Multiplier
Edit: Run Animation Speed Multiplier
Edit: Exhaust Stamina When Moving
Edit: Exhausted Modify Speed
Edit: When Exhausted Speed Multliplier
Edit: Exhausted Modify Constrution Speed
Edit: When Exhausted Constrution Speed Multliplier
Edit: Generates Smell
Edit: Fearless
Edit: On Suffer Add Inflictor To Threats
Edit: On Suffer Add Inflictor To Preys
Edit: Critical Strike Probability
Edit: Critical Strike Damage
Edit: Random Sound Latency
Edit: Random Sound Latency Deviation
Edit: Current Random Sound Time
Edit: Falling Scream Trigger Speed
Edit: Max Angular Speed
Edit: Angle Error
Edit: Target Distance Error
Edit: Waypoint Distance Error
Edit: Sensing Layers
Edit: Sensing Radius
Edit: Sensing Interval
Edit: Slowdown Distance
Edit: Exhausted Slowdown Distance Ratio
Edit: Speed Change Speed
Edit: Last Speed
Edit: Angle Speed Change Speed
Edit: Last Angle Speed
Edit: Reference Mass
Edit: Reference Radius
Edit: Reference Height
Edit: Reference Center
Edit: Base Collider Thickness
Edit: Base Mass
Edit: Base Max Health
Edit: Haste Immune
Edit: Slow Immune
Edit: Burn Immune
Edit: Blind Immune
Edit: When Enabled Is Kinematic
Edit: Base Max Stamina
Edit: Max Stamina
Edit: Max Health
Edit: Growth Ratio
Edit: Current Life Time
Edit: Is Standing On Something
Edit: Movement Type
Edit: Is Sensing
Edit: Floor Normal
Edit: Locomotion Result
Edit: Special Delay Time Left
Edit: Haste Value
Edit: Slow Value
Edit: Blind Value
Edit: Is Exhausted
Edit: Is Healthy
Edit: Max Nutrition
- Set Health / Stamina Of Selected Unit:
Select a unit and press hotkey to set health / stamina of selected unit
to a specific value.
- Unlimited PSI / BioMass:
While active you have unlimited psi / biomass AFTER psi / biomass has
been ADDED!
- Selected Unit Editor:
Select a unit and make your changes on the editor.
The trainer requires .NET framework 4.5 or above.
The trainer does not work on Vista or older.