Thanks for locking my post. I thought as a LIFETIME member I would get a chance to respond? Maybe not. I dont have 15000 pts to request a trainer. Nor do I have $300 to request a trainer. I appreciate all the trainers you guys do, but I cannot afford to pay all that extra money. I thought being a lifetime member got me access to all trainers. I guess Ill have to try the Nascar 14 one. Nascar 15 isnt popular to warrant a trainer done automatically? Just curious.
Lifetime membership does get you access to all trainers available.
It would be hard for CH to automatically pump out trainers for the 250 games/month that Steam is cranking out. They would need an awfully big staff to do that and the membership fee would skyrocket.
The point system keeps the membership fee down whilst providing 20+ updates for popular games. Seems like a fair and equitable system.