LinkOptions (Trainer)
Numpad 1: Infinite Health (Party)
Numpad 2: One Hit Kills
Numpad 3: Add 50 EXP
Numpad 4: Add 5 Attribute Points
Numpad 5: Add 5 Ability Points
Numpad 6: Reveal Map
Numpad 7: Add 200 Gold
Numpad 8: Add 5 Quantity Of Selected Item
Numpad 9: Set 0 Weight Of Selected Item
Options (Editor)
Edit: Start Finished
Edit: Is In Customizer
Edit: Ability Points Spent
Edit: Base Ability Points Earned
Edit: Bonus Ability Points Earned
Edit: Cheat Display Aggro
Edit: Cheat Display State
Edit: Cheat Display Animator
Edit: Cheat Display Avoidance
Edit: Cheat Display Targets
Edit: Cheat DisplayAI Override
Edit: Cheat Display Blockage
Edit: Cheat Display Custom Text
Edit: Cheat Display Nav Info
Edit: Size Class
Edit: Size Class Radius
Edit: MXP Rewarded On Death
Edit: Is Leader
Edit: Rank
Edit: Role
Edit: Can Be Reanimated
Edit: M Class
Edit: Is Lobby Character
Edit: Has Suggested Position Changed
Edit: Game Time Of Last Suggested Position
Edit: Suggested Position
Edit: Max Adjust Speed
Edit: Ignore Movement For Adjustment
Edit: C Flags
Edit: Debug Is Invulnerable
Edit: Hide Me In Combat Log
Edit: Immune To Instant Kill
Edit: Debug Minimum Health
Edit: Can Be Lootable Body Bag
Edit: M Health
Edit: Spawn Position
Edit: Spawn Rotation
Edit: Saved Game Spawn Position
Edit: Saved Game Spawn Rotation Forward
Edit: X P
Edit: XP To Next Level
Edit: XP To Current Level
Edit: Has Viewed Level Up Menus After Level Up
Edit: Force Combat Mode
Edit: Health Regen Timer
Edit: M Prev Hide Helmet
Edit: M Can Body Decay
Edit: IsA Summon
Edit: IsA Reanimation
Edit: Should Die With Master
Edit: Replacing Custom Character
Edit: Suicide On Start
Edit: Force Gib
Edit: M Max Melee Damage Range
Edit: M Follow Range
Edit: Renderers Enabled Local
Edit: Renderers Enabled Remote
Edit: M Renderers Enabled
Edit: M Was Visible
Edit: M Is Highlighted
Edit: M Is Highlighted ByAO E
Edit: Hemi Light Intensity Scaler
Edit: M Is Hidden By Fog Of War
Edit: Was Hidden By Fog Of War
Edit: M Rebuild Character Mesh
Edit: M First Update After Spawn
Edit: GroundUV Update Distance Sq
Edit: Ground Probe Mask
Edit: Last Footstep Update Pos
Edit: M Is Talking
Edit: VO Event Timer
Edit: Replica Movement Smoothing Enabled
Edit: Replica Is Warping
Edit: Last Network Position
Edit: Last Network Time
Edit: Blood Pool Delay
Edit: M Dither Duration
Edit: M Dither Time Left
Edit: M Death Fade State
Edit: TT Prev Health
Edit: TT Prev Max Health
Edit: Ready To Render Dynamic Portrait
Edit: IsDM Chargen Creature
Edit: Has Suggested Facing Changed
Edit: Suggested Rotation
Edit: Is Dm Controlled
Edit: Is Promoted
Edit: Is Demoted
Edit: Regen Health Max
Edit: Has Finished Initial Equip
Edit: Is Building Character Mesh
Edit: Attack Range
Edit: Crit Range Bonus
Edit: Damage Type
Edit: Shield Armor Class
Edit: Shield Type
Edit: Base Damage
Edit: Weapon Type
Edit: Property
Edit: Attack Range
Edit: Crit Range Bonus
Edit: Damage Type
Edit: Shield Armor Class
Edit: Shield Type
Edit: Base Damage
Edit: Weapon Type
Edit: Property
Edit: Gender
Edit: Subrace
Edit: Race
Edit: Alignment
Edit: Background
Edit: Level Offset
Edit: Player Quick Bar Setup
Edit: Hide Helmet
Edit: Eligible For Tutorial
Edit: Min Level
Edit: Max Level
Edit: Level Offset
Edit: Aggro Radius
Edit: Aggro Forget
Edit: Aggro Broadcast
Edit: Scale
Edit: Weapon Scale
Edit: Rotation Speed
Edit: Look Ahead
Edit: Desired Move Speed
Edit: Desired Walk Speed
Edit: Anim Move Speed
Edit: Average Turn Speed
Edit: Desired Turn Speed
Edit: Stealth To Run Scalar
Edit: Rim High Light Power
Edit: Rim High Light Intensity
Edit: Eye Height
Edit: Threat Cost
Edit: Is Leader
Edit: Rank
Edit: Can Be Reanimated
Edit: CurrentXP Level
Edit: Can Be Stabilized
Edit: Immortal
Edit: Is Companion
Edit: Is Loaded
Edit: X P
Edit: Total Points Earned
Edit: Bonus Points Earned
- Infinite Health (Party):
While active every character in your party has infinite health.
- One Hit Kills:
While active ALL characters which are NOT in your party can be
killed by a single hit. This can also affect allied npcs!
- Add EXP, Attribute / Ability Points:
Open the inventory of the character you want to add more to.
Press hotkey to add more.
- Reveal Map:
While active the local map is fully revealed. This cannot be turned off
without a restart of the game.
- Add 200 Gold:
Open the inventory and press hotkey to add more gold.
- Add 5 Quantity Of Selected Item:
MOUSE HOVER the item so the tooltip pops up. Then press hotkey add more
- Set 0 Weight Of Selected Item:
MOUSE HOVER the item so the tooltip pops up. Then press hotkey set the weight
of the item.
The trainer requires .NET framework 4.5 or above.
The trainer does not work on Vista or older.
[Edited by PWizard, 10/21/2015 6:12:57 AM][Edited by PWizard, 10/22/2015 8:10:22 AM]