LinkOptions (Trainer)
Numpad 1: Add 5 Action Points
Numpad 2: Add 5 Gold
Options (Editor)
Edit: Quest Gole
Edit: Game Over
Edit: Enable Pool
Edit: Remote Game
Edit: Init On Start
Edit: Number Of Players
Edit: Disable Activites For Auto Place
Edit: Max Time Limit Reached Count
Edit: Actions In This Turn
Edit: Turn Counter
Edit: Reset In Progress
Edit: Reset Needed
Edit: Time Limit
Edit: Game Started
Edit: Color
Edit: Game Completed As First
Edit: Completed Quests
Edit: Victory Points
Edit: Is In Battle
Edit: Init Gold
Edit: Obsticle Phase
Edit: Ignore Enemy
Edit: Ignore Fate
Edit: Ignore Bad Fate On Action
Edit: Battle Engaded
Edit: Battle Won
Edit: Is Delayed
Edit: Order Index
Edit: Gold
Edit: Player Mode
Edit: Disconnected
Edit: Last Enemy Slained
Edit: Quest Type
Edit: Blocked Dice
Edit: Last Discarded Card Type
Edit: Is Good Fate Card Block
Edit: Is Break Move Action
Edit: Is Break Rest Action
Edit: Is Break Special Action
Edit: Is Before Main Quest Completed
Edit: Is Main Quest Completed
Edit: Is Side Quest Completed
Edit: Is Support Quest Completed
Edit: Started
Edit: Time Limit Reached Counter
Edit: Monitor Setbaks
Edit: Discard All Setbaks
Edit: Draw Investigation For Each Discarded Setback
Edit: Resolve All Drawn
Edit: Ignore Before Roll
Edit: Is Support Match By Region
Edit: Draw Additional Quest
Edit: Draw Additional Investigation
Edit: Additional Charge
You have to spend an action point first before you can
use any option.
The trainer requires .NET framework 4.5 or above.
The trainer does not work on Vista or older.