LinkOptions (Trainer)
Numpad 1: Infinite Health
Numpad 2: Infinite Gauge
Numpad 3: Infinite Kizuna Gauge
Numpad 4: Freeze Timer
Numpad 5: Super Speed
Numpad 6: Add 5000 Beli
Numpad 7: Add 5 Coins
Options (Editor)
Edit: Beli
Edit: Coins
- Infinite Health:
While active you have infinite health.
- Infinite Gauge:
While active you have infinite gauge.
For visual effect you may need to hit an enemy
so the bar appears to be refilled.
- Infinite Kizuna Gauge:
While active you have infinite kizuna gauge.
- Freeze Timer:
While active the timer is frozen. May not work for
all timers.
- Super Speed:
Run until you have doubled speed, press hotkey and
whenever you run you have super speed. Press again
to disable
- Add 5000 Beli:
In store where your beli is shown press hotkey to
add more of it.
- Add 5 Coins:
In the screen where you can spend coins on characters
press hotkey and the current selected character has
more coins available.
The trainer requires .NET framework 4.5 or above.
The trainer does not work on Vista or older.
[Edited by PWizard, 9/5/2015 8:59:28 AM]