uh.. meant to say not sure .. not sire.. ;x ...but would love a way to grab some gold/money and/or manipulate the fish strikes and stuff.. >;D
[Edited by jjernigan, 8/18/2015 1:56:33 PM]
not going to happen. The game is purely online and most if not all information are stored on the server. Being a member as long as I have, I can guarantee you CH will not create a trainer for this game as it goes against their policies.
Credits/gold are server sided, but maybe there is a way to find a way to make a cast hit a fish more, or catch more fish. I'm not too sure about that, A lot of it is server sided but maybe there are a few things that are client, which I assume there is. I'm not sure if the fish are actually in the water as objects and if you get near them you will catch there, or if it's just a random bunch of chances. (I know about spots that catch better and all that, Im just wondering if there could be more to it)
again, I repeat, CH doesn't provide trainers for online only games. You cannot play this game unless you're online. Period. End of story.