Hoping to have usual trainer options :
Max Stats
Max Gald (money)
Mystic Artes
ETC, not sure what else there is yet
If things haven't changed from the previous games, then a max level/item shop would be nice.
You know, the higher the level of the shop, more rarities of items? That would be nice too.
well seeing how the game isnt even downloadble on steam yet for a couple hours, the fact that the trainer maker assigned to this is in Germany, and it takes time to play these games, it may be 12 hours or so
Who cares, the trainers you guys release are worth the wait :-)
In the mean time, 5 minutes to finish! Can't wait to start!
Heh. I don't really think I need the trainer anymore lol. One of the DLC packs I had (maybe from Pre-order?) gave me 10 each of the items that boost your stats. Using CoSMOS, I've completely maxed out the stats on all of my characters! Well, other than attack, because one-shotting bosses just really makes the game feel worthless. But I can't die, and that's good enough!
Loving the hell out of this game so far, it's definitely a Tales game!
[Edited by endersblade, 10/20/2015 5:05:34 AM]