I would love to see a trainer for this but we do not want the devs wasting their time patching trainers for games in early access that get frequent updates. This burns out the guys who make these awesome trainers for us. I would much rather see a well done and maintained trainer on or near release.
This statement doesn't even make any sense, as they are creating trainers for ARK and that game is updated EVERY day.
I understand that a certain "need" from the community is required to even start creating a trainer, but there isn't even an option "Request a Trainer" in the first place .
yes, we made that mistake.. with that ARK game.. unfortunately, that game may be retired quite soon.. because of the ridiculous patching..
we are asking questions like we do to save us from purchasing games that in the end will not be able to have a trainer.
Well, it seems your still creating trainers for Ark and in fact you create trainers for other "Early Access" games as well, as the newly released trainer for Exanima shows.
So what exactly are your reasons for not creating a trainer for this game?
As I stated before, I understand that a "need" by the community should be there, before you start creating a trainer. But then how can we show that if you have disabled that option for the game completely?
You already have a great request system in place with using credits, why are you disabling this for certain games? For no apparent reason, as far as I can see anyway!
We looked at it and it's a JAVA SCRIPT game with everything running through a single loop. It's very difficult to train and while in early access is not worth the trouble having to re-isolate the values with every game patch. When the game is finished we can look at it again.
Heya PW,
does that mean the devs lied in their post on the website? According to them the gameplay is writen in LUA and HTML/JS is only used in the GUI.
I certainly don't wanna make a fuss over such a little game. I love you guys for all the awesome trainers.
It's just sad not to see one for this one .
[Edited by TenshiRyu, 7/30/2015 8:59:13 AM]
Well, it definitely means we'll have to wait (for (near) release) and see...
Can't blame PW & Co anyways... And based on the text written in the Steam Store we'll probably rather see cheat mods for this game than a trainer. Guess the first might actually be easier to do than the latter.
I'm definitely NOT blaming anyone from the CheatHappens team!
[Edited by TenshiRyu, 8/5/2015 5:22:41 PM]