Hello, I have tried to get this to work on 2 different PCs, same result:
I press F1 and hear "Please Wait", the game freezes (then crashes) and then I hear "Error" and get the following message:
Information: 0 : Guns Gore & Cannoli, 1.2.21, STEAM
Information: 0 : Trainer version: 1.102
Information: 0 : Trainer is up to date.
Information: 0 : Attaching to process: ggc
Information: 0 : Successfully attached
Error: 0 : Mono Error: WaitNamedPipe has failed (File not found)
Error: 0 : Mono Error: WaitNamedPipe has failed (2)
Error: 0 : MONO: Failed connecting pipe...
I have tried the latest trainer as well as an older one, ran the trainer and game exe as Administrator, added exclusions for the trainers in Microsoft Defender, still no luck. Any help would be appreciated.
try verifying your game files and/or reinstalling the game