LinkOptions (Trainer)
Numpad 1: Heal Selected Ship
Numpad 2: Add 5000 Credits
Numpad 3: Add 50 Supply / Fuel
Options (Editor)
Edit: Ship Selected Sound
Edit: Orders Understood Sound
Edit: Thruster Sound
Edit: Things Disabling Movement
Edit: Things Disabling Automatic Weapons
Edit: World Collision Hit Mask
Edit: Ship Type
Edit: Ship Size
Edit: Ship Buy Price
Edit: Max Energy
Edit: Current Energy
Edit: Energy Recharge Per Second
Edit: Things Suspending Energy Recharge
Edit: Faction Alignment
Edit: Explosion Effects Group
Edit: Nuke Ammo
Edit: Boarding Pods
Edit: Always Visible
Edit: Currently Visible
Edit: Is Invincible
Edit: Dont Target Me
Edit: Targeting Preference
Edit: Id For Per Ship Upgrade Info
Edit: Disabled
Edit: Force Disable On Death
Edit: Force Destroy On Death
Edit: Spawned During Fight
Edit: Ship Exp
Edit: Stationary Timer
Edit: Stationary Event Generated
Edit: Movement Timer
Edit: Movement Event Generated
Edit: Show Attack Alert On Minimap
Edit: Been Attacked Reset Time
Edit: Agro Attack Percentage
Edit: Agro Cooldown Speed
Edit: Has Been Attacked
Edit: Been Attacked Timer
Edit: Is On Escorted Patrol Route
Edit: Should Attack On Patrol
Edit: Sound
Edit: HideFO W
Edit: Is Objective
Edit: Escaped
Edit: Agro Target Damage
Edit: Use Fog Of War
Edit: Weapon Ranges Require Update
Edit: Thrusters
Edit: Rotation Speed
Edit: Movement Speed
Edit: Acceleration Speed
Edit: Standard Drag
Edit: Lateral Drag
Edit: Just Launched Delay Input
Edit: Avoidance Mask
Edit: Angle To Goal Before Minimal Thrust
Edit: Minimal Thrust While Turning On Spot
Edit: Angle Safe To Continue Movement
Edit: Minimal Thrust While Flying
Edit: Turn Before Setting Off
Edit: Jump In Speed
Edit: Jump Out Speed
Edit: Thrust Control
Edit: Turn Control
Edit: Inertial Control
Edit: Stop Control
Edit: Manoeuvre Control
Edit: Jump Control
Edit: Thruster Turn Deadzone
Edit: Local Enemies
Edit: Radius
Edit: Share Enemy Data
Edit: List Validated This Update
Edit: HP Max
Edit: HP Cur
Edit: Damage Received Multiplier
Edit: Charge Per Minute
Edit: Charge Delay On Hit
Edit: Shield Down Delay
Edit: Time Till Charge
Edit: Charge Delay
Edit: Collision Active
Edit: Invulnerable Time
Edit: Invulnerable
Edit: Should Be Visible
Edit: Currently Visible
Edit: Armour: Base Hull
Edit: Armour: HP Max
Edit: Armour: HP Cur
Edit: Armour: Damage Received Multiplier
Edit: Armour: Radius Cached
Edit: Armour: Radius
Edit: Out Of Resource Chance
Edit: Fuel
Edit: Credits
Edit: Danger Level
Edit: Player Fleet Level Modifier
Edit: Overide Sector Map Width
Edit: Overide Sector Map Height
Edit: Shop Cost Multiplier
Edit: Completed
- Selected Ship:
Before using ANY selected ship options you have to select a ship first.
Just left click on the ship icon at the bottom row.
- Heal Selected Ship:
Each press resets the shield and armour of the selected ship.
The trainer requires .NET framework 4.5 or above.
The trainer does not work on Vista or older.