Capcom said that the PC version will not support offline co-op and online co-op will come with a later patch. They confirmed on line co-op for raid mode however they did not confirm online co-op for the campaign, despite that it says that in the steam page.
Capcom lying ****es me off.
Oh and be prepared for stutter galore, and I'm running it on a 780Ti and 3770k@ 4.5GHz with 16GB RAM
Go to steam forum for this game and read how bad the review is. I hate to say it but you should always have your finger on your gun's trigger when dealing with Cashcom. Some devs never learn and they never will. They are so infatuated by money that they forget where it comes from.
Then again when people say "can't wait" or "oh man I already preordered it with XYZ edition or so on", you have to understand these devs play with their emotion and exploit it to get away with whatever they want.
Nothing new in gaming industry now a days. We hype, we expect, they take advantage of it and take our money, get rich, and release more 'promised' product.
Also no offense to console gamers but console is the bane of holds back practically 9 out of 10 games that come out both in terms of performance and creativity.
Console got their offline but we don't. WTF!
Sorry had to rant a bit. I feel sorry for the OP who had high hopes, but seriously, we all get to play games on steam, so little bit of patience can help a long way to see the price go down on what we want. So those who didn't get it, get it then.
I had the choice of getting this or Homeworld, picked the latter and am NOT disappointed: got like 4 games for the price of one. 💛