LinkOptions (Trainer)
Numpad 1: Add 5000 Money
Numpad 2: Infinite Health
Numpad 3: Infinite Mana
Numpad 4: Infinite Rage
Numpad 5: Add 500 Score
Options (Editor)
Edit: Max Mana
Edit: Current Mana
Edit: Mana Cost
Edit: Max Rage
Edit: Current Rage
Edit: Rage Cost
Edit: Rage Is Active
Edit: Rage Is Ready
Edit: Current Score
Edit: Score Factor
Edit: Damage Factor
Edit: Hit Points
Edit: Hit Points Max
Edit: Health Cost
Edit: Speed Factor
Edit: Last Quest Id
Edit: Mana Modifier
Edit: Is Score Changed
- Add 5000 Money:
On map screen click on the + symbol next to your money to open the bank screen.
Now press hotkey and reopen the bank screen and your money has been increased.
- Infinite Health/Mana/Rage:
During run press hotkey to get infinite. Your health/mana/rage needs to be changed
before it takes effect.
- Add 500 Score:
During run press hotkey to add 500 score. Your score needs to be changed before
it takes effect.
The trainer requires .NET framework 4.5 or above.
The trainer does not work on Vista or older.