Hey guys, I have noticed a "bug". If one of your generals reaches level 10, and you have already maxed out his tree, then you cant remove (or add) points anymore (using F6 and then F4), meaning it will always ask you to level him up.
Any chance that could be fixed? Thank you very much from the great work! worth every penny every time!
Never had that level up problem. When the turn ends and ask you to add points just click on the message, press F6 then press F4 twice so you get a deactivated. Then hit F10 and go to end turn.
Anyway, can I make a request? The food mood is great, but after leveling up my cities I'm now 3000 food in the hole. Any chance of making the food mod 20,000 or even 30,000?
Yeah I notice that I was like how come I can only get 8 army in this last game I played I had over 30 army's
Can we get the Research worked on Pls can get it to work like Rome 2 trainer so that each turn we unlock a new research
[Edited by aaron98201834, 3/2/2015 6:53:09 AM]
how is unlocking research causing this problem? could you just NOT unlock the research items that make this occur and let them unlock normally?