LinkOptions (Trainer)
Numpad 1: Invincible
Numpad 2: Unlimited Powerup
Numpad 3: Unlimited Coins
Numpad 4: Unlimited Keys
Numpad 5: Add 5 Skill Points
- Invincible:
While active most things cannot hurt you.
- Unlimited Powerup:
While active you have unlimited powerups.
- Unlimited Coins:
While active you have unlimited coins.
You MUST collect a coin before it takes effect.
- Unlimited Keys:
While active you have unlimited keys.
You MUST collect a coin before it takes effect.
- Add 5 Skill Points:
Open your attribute page and spend a skill point on the DAMAGE attribute.
Then press hotkey to add more skill points.
The trainer requires .NET framework 4.5 or above.
The trainer does not work on Vista or older.