For me the current trainer still works even with the received savegames. The game is using .NET and the game code will depend on the framework in which the game is running. If you reinstall .NET framework 4.5 it will make the game running in that framework version and the trainer should work.
everything seems ok here, i just finished playing almost 2hrs and the trainer worked fine!
thanks again 0x90
First of all I want to thank the team again for a wonderfull trainer.
I am having a small issue though. I shutdown AV started the Trainer with admin priv. and started the game on Steam. I load my save game and wait for the health bar to appear. I hit F1 and listen to the ACTIVATED. All options are responding but none worked. I tried rebooting and doing it again same results. I started a new game and it actually worked. Health and stamina and armour were all full and $$ where added when hiting option 4. So I played through the game till the point I got into ARTEMIS .... after zoning health was back to normal and all options stoped working. Saved the game and rebooted and loaded up again and same result as with the first save game, nothing seems to be working...
Any ideas?
That also happended to me. Apparently, after you do the Artemis Quest (or the Apollo Quest) the Trainer seems to stop working. Interestingly enough, the Hades Quest does not impair the trainer functionality.
Just updated .NEt to 4.5.2 still no joy. The save game as is even older saves that used to work dont work anymore... the only way is to start anew.
Same here... And even if you start anew, by the time you complete the artemis or apollo quest it stops working.
[Edited by ChrisMJ, 3/30/2015 10:16:40 AM]