interesting thing i find out. If you use the Cashflow cheat in cities xxl it doesnt really affect the stats. If you are on the trade side the cashflow tokes are still negative and you cant buy other supplies. Is there a chance to change this, or maybe add some random tokes?
as i can see so far the positiv cashflow is not the important thing for the tokens. you got the tokens for the amount of ware you export like oil, food, bueros or manpower. i dont think there is a way to change this with a trainer.
the other thing is that the tokentrade ist still buggy. the tokens are reset ( i dont know if this goes for all players but i read a lot about it and its the same for me ) after you save and leave a town. so the cashflow always stays negativ and you cant trade with your own town.
the only way i found to change this was to make a complete specialized town for buero and import EVERY other thing. but i think thats not the way i WANT to make my towns and it does not work with other things like food or high tech industrie.