Start laughing. I willfully and knowingly purchased the Collector's Edition from Amazon the moment it became available back in last September.
For me the reason was multifold:
1. Homeworld was the first game that actually made me give a **** about the characters in it and the task sat before me. Watching Kharak burn as Agnus Dei played elicited so many emotions. Sorrow, loss, anger and disbelief were the strongest.
2. Homeworld was also the first game that I was ever invited to help beta test. The CD was shipped from Canada. Back then, being invited to a beta test was a big deal.
3. The Mothership model, the Pride of Higaara, is awesome looking! Plus the art book, the remastered soundtrack and the nifty looking box are all must haves for fanatics of the IP like myself.
4. I am hoping that if the remastered collection sells well enough, Gearbox will understand that there is still a market for Homeworld and that we'll see Homeworld 3. There's still plenty of lore left in the universe to make another five games in the series if they wished.
5. I play through HW1 and HW2 at least once every year. Sure, Sins, Stardrive, Endless Space and the like are nice, some are even great, but none of them had the same attention to detail, well crafted story and excellent game mechanics of the Homeworld series. Homeworld:Shipbreakers looks interesting, and I will certainly buy it, but it's a ground based RTS prequel.
I've already booked off the 25th, 26th and 27th just so I can enjoy it in as leisurely a style as I wish.
/point /laugh
Anyway, to adress your points
1. While i fully understand the attraction, don't get me wrong, Homeworld was a great game, im simply pointing out that you get no new content, but merely a reskin/redone voice over, which is nice, but it alone cannot justify the pricetag
2. Nostalgia is great, but it can also cloud your judgement
3. Collectors editions are great, im a avid collector of them myself on certain IP's, BUT, as i already pointed out, you're paying 100 dollars for the model, and other real items, but also for an ''old'' game, where the only change is cosmetic, so in that regards, the price, really is too high
4. i would see it fail, rather than entrusting Homeworld 3, to Gearbox, and to those who don't know, Gearbox is the company who brought us Alien: Colonial Marines.....nothing more to add
5. no contest on this one, older RTS games had a certain touch of detail, that we simply don't/very rarely see today