It will be a while for a full trainer to be done, I have never completed this title, but it seems there will be other characters you can level up.
Found the player structure area of the game, which changes address as you would expect. But there is some old characters listed there, now I am not sure how the story goes or what happens near the end (and no spoilers of course), but if the game has gone to lengths to have entries for them then they most be playable at some point.
CP is easy to find anyway, its a DWORD (4 bytes) value to search for and it is not encrypted, you can find it and freeze it at 99999 if you want... but I don't think you even need the full 99999.
I am sure Cal may take a different approach and amend the coding to force the 99999 value in. Plus add options to freeze upgrade items etc.
thanks for the info... it doesn't help that the game has 1000 cutscenes that are unskippable and that it takes 50 hours to progress in this game...
Money is encrypted though :P
A bit of in-game realism.
Money is encrypted though :P