LinkOptions (Trainer)
Numpad 1: Freeze Edibility
Options (Editor)
Edit: Edibility
Edit: Attach Radius
Edit: Smoothing
Edit: Max X Amount
Edit: Max Z Amount
Edit: Everything But Bread
Edit: Root Torque Power
Edit: Root Torque Power Mouse
Edit: Max Angular Velocity
Edit: Force Position
Edit: Bump On
Edit: Bumped
Edit: Bump Power
Edit: X Angle
Edit: Z Angle
Edit: Bump Gap
Edit: Last Bump
Edit: Dynamic Drive Multiplier
Edit: Space Toast
Edit: Min Airtime To Air Control
Edit: Min Speed To Consider Airborne
Edit: Air Force
Edit: bump Impulse
Edit: Steering Force
Edit: is Airborne
Edit: is Grounded
Edit: air Time
Edit: last Time Airborne
Edit: last Time Grounded
Edit: Total Grab Time
Edit: Grab Time Increase Rate
Edit: Delay Before Grab Regenerates
Edit: Regenerate Grab Timer
Edit: Prevent Grab Until Grab Time Is Full
Edit: Grab Time Backing Field
Edit: Rotate Drive Active Backing Field
Edit: Dynamic Drive Active Backing Field
Customize Hotkeys
Select the hotkey you want to change and press your desired key or key combination.
To reset all hotkeys at once toggle 'Use Controller' twice. Controller hotkeys are not customizable.
Double click on a value to open the inline editor. Simple type your desired value and press return key.
Pressing SPACE key will freeze the current value which indicates a 'X' symbol next to the description.
The category 'TYPE' is showing you how the value is stored in the memory. For more information visit:
Controller Support
Open 'Controller HowTo' tab at the trainer interface for a detailed instruction on how to use a controller.
Don't forget to activate 'Use Controller' at the main page.
The trainer requires .NET framework 4.5 or above.