I have a small problem with people saying the effort was useless and making the mistake to think an option can easily be implemented because the value for it is easy to change via CoSMOS.
The problem with this game, apart of being sold when not even 10% is done, is how it's coded: Awful. There is no structure in this game instead thousands of lists of objects only put in several loops and cause a terrible performance even on highend machines. Finding injection spots and isolating these values is a little bit more complicated then do a memory search with CE.
I understand you wanting an option for every cool thing in this game and from the player's perspective I agree. But from the trainer coder's perspective I have to disappoint you. By the state of the game no more options are planned (although I might remove the +62 useless options then...)
[Edited by 0x90, 11/12/2014 8:25:19 AM]
0x90 is like the conductor of a symphony when he's at the keyboard. He makes difficult things like trying to sort through spaghetti code look easy.
But that doesn't mean it is easy.... in any way.
I'm not one to kiss butt either, but he's actually really, really good at these trainers.
Keep up the good work!
can understand you.
+62 is useless, skip them
The rest can be done in CoSMOS easy right now.
Cool, we just won't make any more trainers and everyone can just use CE since all we make is useless bullsht. Thanks, you just made all of our lives much easier!
EVERY GAME ON THE SITE NOW RETIRED! Send your thanks to BlutVampir!