LinkOptions (Trainer)
Numpad 1: Toggle God Mode
Options (Editor)
Edit: EXP
Edit: Gold
Edit: Attribute Points
Edit: Skill Points
Edit: World Size
Edit: Tiro Start
Edit: Character I D
Edit: Controller On
Edit: Experience To Show Tutorial
Edit: Time To Update Target Position Total
Edit: Shopping Time Max
Edit: Chances To Do Critical Damage
Edit: Dead Time
Edit: Death Message Shown
Edit: Dead Timer
Edit: Falling Time
Edit: Finn_on Edge Voice
Edit: Finn_fall Voice
Edit: Finn_respawn Voice
Edit: Finn_swap Player To Jake Voice
Edit: Finn_swap Player To Finn Voice
Edit: Jake_on Edge Voice
Edit: Jake_fall Voice
Edit: Jake_respawn Voice
Edit: Jake_swap Player To Jake Voice
Edit: Jake_swap Player To Finn Voice
Edit: Shield Sound
Edit: Respawn Sound
Edit: Fist Bump Sound
Edit: Fall Sound
Edit: Splash Sound
Edit: Finn Under Water Sound
Edit: Finn Exit Water Sound
Edit: Jake Under Water Sound
Edit: Jake Exit Water Sound
Edit: Finn On Fire Sound
Edit: Jake On Fire Sound
Edit: Finn Teleport Spawn
Edit: Flap Sound
Edit: Walked Distance To Tutorial
Edit: Was On Edge
Edit: Health Regeneration Transition After Being Hurt
Edit: Needs Refresh Customization
Edit: God Mode
Edit: Initialized
Edit: Need To Respawn
Edit: Ultra Damage Cheat
Edit: Saved Map
Edit: Saved Level
Edit: Saved X
Edit: Saved Y
Edit: Saved Z
Edit: Falling Total Time
Edit: Falling Velocity
Edit: State
Edit: Prev Experience
Edit: Curr Experience
Edit: Prev Shock
Edit: Camera Move Time
Edit: Camera Move Time Step
Edit: Camera Local Pos Original
Edit: Prev Level
Edit: Has Been Initialized
Edit: Prev Position
Edit: Shopping Time
Edit: Loading Map
Edit: Time To Drop Idle Casual Anim Current
Edit: Selected Character
Edit: Attack Blend Time
Edit: Attack Rotate Time
Edit: New Attack Rotate Time
Edit: Rotate Timer
Edit: From Angle
Edit: Combo Multiplier Start
Edit: Combo Multiplier Per5
Edit: Combo Multiplier Limit
Edit: Combo Counter
Edit: Combo Timer
Edit: Combo Duration
Edit: Queued Key
Edit: Combo Is Strong
Edit: Combo Index
Edit: Already Hit
Edit: Last Advance By
Edit: Going To Angle
Edit: Previous Speed
Edit: Previous Swap Speed
Edit: Scrumbled
Edit: Scrumbled Time
Edit: Scrumbled Current Time
Edit: Scrumbled Type
Edit: Player Can Attack
Edit: Player Can Do Action
Edit: Invisible
Edit: Is Armored
Edit: Is Fiona
Edit: Is Still On
Edit: Is On Air
Edit: Impulse Future Y
Edit: On Lady
Edit: Lady Direction
Edit: Has Rubber Ring
Edit: Is God Mode On
Edit: Is Man Boobs On
Edit: Is Mutation On
Edit: Is Guardian On
Edit: Previous Direction
Edit: Jump Destination
Edit: Active Weapon
Edit: Active Hand
Edit: Future Weapon
Edit: Future Hand
Edit: Damage Reduction
Edit: Knock Back Factor
Edit: Knock Back X
Edit: Knock Back Z
Edit: Lock Player Time
Edit: Is Identifying
Edit: Identify Cost
Edit: Water Damage
Edit: Lava Damage
Edit: Trash Damage
Edit: Hp Per Level Increment
Edit: Invulnerable Time
Edit: Invulnerable Time Current
Edit: Life Increment
Edit: Life Increment Current
Edit: Incrementing Life
Edit: Life Increment Count
Edit: Final Life
Edit: Swap Enable
Edit: Falling Increment Total Wings
Edit: Falling Increment Wings
Edit: Falling Increment Tic Wings
Edit: Falling Increment Total
Edit: Falling Increment
Edit: Falling Increment Tic
Edit: Decoy Active
Edit: Player First Apparition
Edit: Tap Timer
Edit: Tap Keys
Edit: Roll Speed X
Edit: Roll Speed Y
Edit: Original Speed
Edit: Finn Original Speed
Edit: Roll Speed Factor
Edit: Dash Speed Factor
Edit: Jake Armor Reduction
Edit: Fiona Armor Reduction
Edit: Trapped Time Max
Edit: Trapped Time
Edit: Has Mask On
Edit: Combo Detection
Edit: Combo Armor Detection
Edit: Free To Action
Edit: Free To Action After Teleport
Edit: Free To Action While Interacting
Edit: Huo Played
Edit: Swap Enabled
Edit: To Level Up
Edit: First Load
Edit: Shoudl Show Portal
Edit: Drop On Death Percentage
Edit: Lives Counter
Edit: Xp To Be Added After Loading Level
Edit: Portal Already Launched
Edit: Drill Attack Timer
Edit: Drill Attack Timer Current
Edit: Playing Cinematic
Edit: Speed Animation Magic Number
Edit: Previous Combo Index
Edit: Tint Timer
Edit: Guard Crusher
Edit: Hit Timer
Edit: Attack Voice Time
Edit: Attack Voice Started
Edit: Pushed Current Time
Edit: Pushed Time
Edit: Push Looking Angle
Edit: Knock Back X Push
Edit: Knock Back Z Push
Edit: Desired Angle P C
Edit: Desired Angle X B O X
Edit: Desired Angle Charged P C
Edit: Desired Angle Charged X B O X
Edit: Cheer Count
Edit: Roll Cooldown
Edit: Time Since Roll
Edit: Game Over Shown
Edit: Last Life
Edit: Are Lives Flickering
Edit: Artifact Exp Granted
Edit: Show Save Icon
Edit: Already Hit Sound
Edit: Is Teleport Enabled
Edit: Achivements Checked
Edit: Trail Active
Edit: Tap Valid
Edit: Ninja Star On
Edit: Previous Reduction
Edit: Was Finn Before Guardian
However a few has been tested:
[is God Mode On] = Set to '1' and all enemies near you will explode.
[Invisible] = Set to '1' and enemies will ignore you.
[ultra Damage Cheat] = Set to a very high number like '9999' and enemies are killed by a single hit.
- Toggle God Mode:
This will toggle the god mode.
Customize Hotkeys
Select the hotkey you want to change and press your desired key or key combination.
To reset all hotkeys at once toggle 'Use Controller' twice. Controller hotkeys are not customizable.
Double click on a value to open the inline editor. Simple type your desired value and press return key.
Pressing SPACE key will freeze the current value which indicates a 'X' symbol next to the description.
The category 'TYPE' is showing you how the value is stored in the memory. For more information visit: