So, is anyone looking forward to this episode of the AC series? I know I am but I'm not getting my hopes up in anticipation as I am fully expecting Ubisoft to delay the PC version until January whilst they "optimise" it, as has been the case in nearly every other PC release for the AC series.
It's also a bit concerning that with just four weeks to go they've not released any specs for the game, though I'm hoping that as I was able to play AC:BF on the highest settings I should be OK.
Paris certainly looks very pretty and expansive in everything that I've seen so far......though Arno sounds a bit dull!
Honestly while I enjoyed the PC versions of AC3 and AC4 despite their poor optimizations (AC4 was marginally better) after all the nonsense Ubisoft has been spouting lately about "30FPS is more cinematic" as a lame cover for the consoles being so outdated and lacking in power I have little hope for the PC version.I think I'll wait till the price drops by 50% hopefully there will still be a trainer for it.