You need to update the max health option. If you have it activated the 1st time you take damage everything stays black and white and the second time you take damage your screen permanently stays dark red(impossible to see anything). I have tried deactivating it, taking damage and using a medpak and it doesnt fix it either. The game is completely playable without the option or even the trainer for that matter but no point in having a broken option.
Then just don't use it if a trainer is not necessary.
You need to update the max health option. If you have it activated the 1st time you take damage everything stays black and white and the second time you take damage your screen permanently stays dark red(impossible to see anything). I have tried deactivating it, taking damage and using a medpak and it doesnt fix it either. The game is completely playable without the option or even the trainer for that matter but no point in having a broken option.
the health is for healing, not allowing you to wade into a bunch of people and getting all shot up or smashed.
use the other two options to prevent that.
the health option works. what you are seeing is concussion afteraffects or some such thing that you are supposed to see when you die from being beaten. even if the health is at 100000000000 those will still occur. I know because I tested it. also ramming up your health and the max health makes your health bar go all wonky and screws up the HUD, even between saves, and even if you turn the trainer off.
right now I have no solution for you, mainly because it takes 4000 hours just to progress in this game..
'stealth' survivor horror games like this are not my cup of tea, and they take forever to work on because of the slow progression of the game. alien isolation is basically a slow paced bioshock clone without all the cool plasmids.
hmmm, it seems the game doesn't like the trainer with any active options turned on when changing areas (the tram systems).
I am heading to bed, so if no one else confirms, i will check when i wake up.
Confirmed on Sci Med Tram, once I turned active options off and loaded the current save it loaded properly.
doesn't happen as long as any activated options are off, trainer can be activated, just no options.
had no options activated, still failing to save at first tram.
I'd leave the no shooting and no melee attacks options off until they are needed. it may be that these functions are used for placement and AI setup between levels or seomthing.